Building brand worlds you want to live in.

RnR – More than rock’n’roll

In our daily work, we are fascinated not only by the visual solutions themselves, but also by the branding challenges we face together with our clients. And one of them was working on the rebranding of the RnR label, an online music store.


There's something nice for everyone

The RnR brand offers its customers an enormously wide range of not only instruments, but also musical equipment. In their offer they have proposals for both musicians, podcasters or DJs, professionals and amateurs.

RnR – More than rock’n’roll (2)

Against the current

The brand name is, of course, an abbreviation for rock'n'roll. And paradoxically, the style so associated with freedom and rebellion, became a prison for our client. The owner of the brand, a fan of minimalist Scandinavian visuals, wanted the sign to become responsive, open to fans of other sounds and represent the store's rich offer. In our work, we decided to propose a palette of solutions: from subtle changes to a bold, new approach. Ultimately, the client decided to choose the most extreme proposal.

RnR – More than rock’n’roll (3)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (3.2)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (5)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (5.2)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (6)

Good vibes only

Along with our client, we decided that the logo should give a feeling of professionalism, but at the same time be simple and friendly in its form. Despite the significant deconstruction of the previous mark, we decided to reuse the circle shape as our base. This is also a figure that appears extremely often in all sorts of musical equipment, such as vinyl, headphones, the cymbal in drums, speaker diaphragms, or of course, the cutout in an acoustic guitar.

Our inspiration came from the noticeable vibration produced during the vibration caused by sound. The sign we created is in constant motion and has its own rhythm.

In one rythm

The biggest challenge for us was to break down the immediate associations that the acronym RnR evokes in viewers. Therefore, we started with the simplest solution: we separated the letters. Each is in a separate circle, making them more distinct as units.

The logo we designed is actually a whole system of signs that can morph along with the rhythm of its environment. This is complemented by the lack of constancy of the color palette. The logo in its basic version exists in black and white, but its colors are changeable and dependent on the environment, so it always becomes an integral part of it. Each music product has its own character, and our sign is intended to be its visual complement.

RnR – More than rock’n’roll (10)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (11)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (11.2)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (11.3)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (12)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (12.2)
RnR – More than rock’n’roll (13)

Graphic chameleon

The challenge we faced was not easy, but thanks to our client's openness we were able not only to meet the brief precisely, but to create a really interesting system. We can confidently say that the logo we designed is a true graphic chameleon.

Let’s create something special together!

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Feel free to contact us: +48 883 595 268

workshop91 sp. z o. o.
ul. Danusi 5/24
80-434 Gdańsk
VAT ID 9571115669
Zuzanna Zamorska-Wegner art director, designer & co-founder
Mikołaj Sałek art director, designer & co-founder
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